New REC Fundraising Leaflet - You Can Help |
REC has just published a new leaflet designed to help raise funds to enable the
Council to continue and develop its work. The leaflet focuses on the importance
of good RE and the role of the Council, and will be used to encourage
grant-making trusts and other organisations and individuals to consider
supporting the work of the REC with a one-off gift or a regular donation. The
leaflet is available free of charge - please email
to order copies if you
think you may be able to use them to explain the work of the RE Council and to
engage potential supporters.
Please click here to download a PDF version of the leaflet. |
A Practice Code for Teachers of RE |
Every One Matters in the Classroom. A Practice Code for Teachers of RE
What is it for? This code aims to complement the GTCE’s general code for teachers. When that code was being drawn up, there was some concern about the implications of ‘demonstrating respect for diversity and promoting equality’ and whether that principle might ever come into conflict with a teacher’s sense of integrity in relation to his or her own beliefs. This proposed code for teachers of RE is designed to help reassure teachers of RE themselves as well as pupils, parents and colleagues that a professional approach to such issues can and will be observed.
Who wrote it? This document has been drawn up by an RE Council working group with representation from NATRE, AREIAC, NASACRE and several religious/non religious belief traditions. It has been sent out for consultation through AREIAC, NATRE and the REC and account has been taken of the responses received.
Are RE teachers required to follow it? Unlike the GTCE code, this one is voluntary but it is hoped that the principles and examples it sets out will be of sufficient worth for them to gain widespread acceptance amongst teachers of RE. The ideal would be for them to be used by teachers of any subject who address issues of religion and belief in their own area.
Download the Practice Code for Teachers of RE
Useful further reading |